The cap has stopped its crazy jig.
We're off to see the only owner
who cares for his gleaners.
I warn children about the terrible
effects if they eat too much,
but I take for granted that the
adults know and I leave them alone.
Jerome Noel-Bouton
shows us an old photo of his vines
which used to be Marey's.
There is a mini-museum
in the cellar.
An engineer
and erudite physiologist,
Marey invented chronophotography.
He was a visionary.
He analyzed movement
before Muybridge and the Lumieres.
He is the ancestor of all movie makers,
and we're proud to be family.
Marey was my father's grandfather,
which makes him my great-grandfather,
and to be more specific,
my grandfather
was Marey's son-in-law, since...
his wife, my grandmother,
was Marey's daughter.
She married a man named Bouton
and this estate, which used
to be in the Bouton family,
was bought by Marey,
and returned to the Bouton family
when his daughter married a Bouton.