Where does play end
and art start?
Cartier Foundation
for Contemporary Art
The American artist Sze
exhibits mobiles
made with lots of bits and pieces.
The kitchen trash
has made it to the art world,
where junk is highly-prized
and priced.
In any case, museum trash
is small, cute,
clean and colorful.
Have those kids ever seen
brooms in action,
or shaken hands with
a garbage collector?
- How are you?
- Fine.
That's neighborhood life.
I live here
at Mr. Charlie Plusquellec's,
because he's a friend.
More than a friend,
a protector, a godfather,
he's everything to me.
I am so very very happy,
very glad, I am here
surrounded by nature.
You see,
it's worse than paradise.
Salomon is a little bit
like a migrating bird.
He arrives, he moves in,
and then one day, he disappears.
And then he comes back again,
and then leaves.
So far he's been back 3 times.
Every day, I come out of here,
I wander around,
looking here and there
for throw-aways.