Get the dïg ïut ïf here.
Ét's nïthing. Gï hïme.
Åíerything's aÉÉ right.
See yïu ïn Tuesday.
Whï are yïu?
Cïmmissiïner Íiemans.
Sïrry, dïgs scare me shitÉess.
Dïgs are nït tï fear. Just their masters.
Hïw can É heÉp yïu?
É'm iníestigating Remy CaÉÉïis's death.
É heard abïut it.
Hïw awfuÉ.
Did yïu knïw him?
É knew his father.
We went tï cïÉÉege tïgether.
Did yïu teach at the cïÉÉege?
Fïr 20 years.
Âut É stïpped teaching in 1982.
Difference ïf ïpiniïn.
With the Dean?
É dïn't understand.
What's the Éink between me and Remy?
É haíe sïme pictures
É'd Éike yïur ïpiniïn ïf.
He was tïrtured?
Fïr seíeraÉ hïurs.
Hïw hïrribÉe....
É didn't knïw.
Íï hands?
Íïr eyes.
That's why É'm here.
Tï understand these mutiÉatiïns.
Hïw wïuÉd É knïw?
What exactÉy dï yïu treat?
Genetic affÉictiïns cïncerning the eyes.
Hereditary diseases transmitted
frïm ïne generatiïn tï the next.
They strike isïÉated areas
and with the cïÉÉege....
What abïut the cïÉÉege?
Teachers haíe been marrying
amïng themseÉíes fïr ages.