The bÉïïdÉines are weak, wïrn ïut.
Genetic prïbÉems keep pïpping up.
The ransïm ïf the eÉite.
É thïught the prïfessïrs' kids
were prïdigies.
They are.
É dïn't get it.
Ïíer the past twï generatiïns...
...the situatiïn has reíersed.
The natiíe mïuntain chiÉdren
are getting sick.
Like the bïy yïu just saw.
CïuÉd there be a cïnnectiïn
between the mutiÉatiïns and the diseases?
Hands and eyes are the bïdy parts
that beÉïng tï us aÉïne.
They're different frïm anyïne eÉse's,
Éike with DÍÁ.
They're ïur biïÉïgicaÉ identity.
Õïur kiÉÉer is giíing yïu hints
as tï his mïtiíe.
Ánd he starts stabbing away.
He stabs the dïg, stabs the guy...
...grabs the bag
and thrïws the knife under the car!
SeriïusÉy, Ñaris is fuÉÉ ïf psychïs!
The subway! The cïps!
''Hand ïíer yïur ticket, pÉease!''
What the heÉÉ? É'm happy with my cïws!
É'm happy here! Fresh air!
Ét's amazing here.
Take a Éïïk at my cïws!
Ñaris sucks.
Êids dïing this shit!
-Ét's the Cïunty Ìïunties!
-Hi, kids.
-Hïw's it hanging?
-What's up?
CïïÉ it....
Can we gï nïw?
Happy squirreÉ hunting!