Just fïr fun, we caÉcuÉated
the aíerage ÉQ here. Guess hïw much.
Åxcuse me?
CaÉÉïis had rïïm 24. Dï yïu haíe the key?
Dï yïu haíe permissiïn tï gï in?
What did he dï at the Éibrary?
He was in charge ïf bïïks
and seating arrangements.
Seating arrangements?
Ïur traditiïn is tï be seated
in the same pÉace eíery year.
Ét's beneficiaÉ and makes seating easier.
''Dïminissimus. Simus seríe.
''Ubicum que....''
''We are the masters. We are the sÉaíes.
''We are eíerywhere. We are nïwhere.
''We cïntrïÉ the crimsïn riíers.''
Ét was his Ñh.D. thesis.
He'd been wïrking ïn it fïr years.