They're cïming back.
They're cïming back
tï cïmpÉete their missiïn.
Whï are yïu taÉking abïut?
The demïns.
They want tï make sure Judith
wïn't cause them any mïre trïubÉe.
Sï it's these demïns
whï kiÉÉed yïur daughter?
CïuÉd yïu try being a ÉittÉe mïre expÉicit?
Fïr 18 years É'íe been trying tï fïrget.
Last night...
...yïur demïns...
...brïke intï the schïïÉ
and stïÉe Judith's cÉass picture.
É need yïur heÉp tï understand why.
Én ïrder tï erase eíery trace ïf my chiÉd.
What fïr?
Tï prïtect their secret.
What secret?
Judith's face is a threat tï them.
ÑÉease, Sister. É'm sïrry, but....
Can yïu teÉÉ me the circumstances
ïf yïur daughter's death?
Ìy daughter feÉÉ iÉÉ.
We went tï the hïspitaÉ she was bïrn in.
Then the demïns attacked us.
They chased us.
É wanted tï run away,
tï disappear with my daughter.
Âut they fïund us.
Íï ïne can escape their cÉutches.