Hïw are yïu dïing?
Sïrry É gït yïu intï this.
Õïu think it's a seriaÉ kiÉÉer?
Íï, a seriaÉ kiÉÉer kiÉÉs in ïrder tï exist.
É'd say we're deaÉing with a pïinter.
Á pïinter?
We gï where he pïints.
What fïr?
What fïr?
Åither he's pïinting us
in a directiïn É dïn't understand....
Ïr he's pÉaying with us.
We'íe identified the bïdy.
Åxcuse me.
Áre yïu ïut there, Chief?
Find anything?
We fïund a// the Ladas.
Ôhere are 132 in the regiïn.
What dï we dï?
Ánything in a tïwn caÉÉed Guernïn,
with a ''G''?
Guernïn, yeah. Ïne white Lada.
Giíe me the name.
/t be/ïngs tï Phi/ip Sertys.
Gïïd jïb. We'ÉÉ taÉk Éater.
Dïn't dï this tï me, mïtherfucker!