Love is not all that matters.
- No.
Then again, how would I know?
- You don't.
Dinner time!
Come and eat!
Bread and wine.
Will you say a prayer?
- No.
Why did you want to be a priest?
- Why did you want to be a doctor?
Nice job. Good money.
- Blood and bowels.
Are you specialized?
- He's an ambulance doctor.
- I wanted to be a pediatrician.
Do you want to help kids?
Isn't it obvious?
I used to think so, I guess.
- People spend 90% of their time -
continuing with something
they once started.
Someone said that.
- For me that's 100%.
Why? Do you think there's
anything good and true in life?
The right answer is Jesus.
Christianity is the
whole damn answer for me.
What is it to Ari? -Not all
people believe in something.
Yes they do,
or they're not human.
I must be a monkey then.