Little Nicky

Damn you, Nicky!
There ain't no Super Devil Juice
in here!

Hail, Nicky!
We are forever your slaves!
-So your father's the Devil.
-Sí, seòor.

You're a talking dog from Hell.
You guys are who?

A couple of big fans of Nicky
and the work his dad does.

By the way, Nicky,
check this out.

What's Ozzy trying to say there?
John, absolutely nothing.
The Blizzard always
came straight with his messages.

But wrap your minds around this,

I love this song.
I command you
in the name of Lucifer...

to spread the blood
of the innocent.

Oh, my God, Chicago kicks ass!
That was awesome.
You know, guys,
this cake tastes a little funny.

I dumped a fat sack of reefer
in the mix.

Thought I'd spice up the bash.
-What's reefer?

About five hundred bucks
an ounce.

Come on, Nicky, one more time.
I can't. It's starting to hurt.
Come on, you totally got to!
All right, all right. Last time.
Here he goes!
That's insane!
