
Abnormal Psych.
We're in the same class.
See you there.
Left, no. Left, no!
But you're pushing!
-Guys, can it go over there?

-Good afternoon.
-What's up, man? How are you?

-Let me try that one again.
-No, that's good. Don't worry.

See you later.
Hey, guys.
That is a great hat.
Did the producers of Fargo
have a garage sale?

-Leave it be.
-Here, leave it be.

-That fraternity called for you.
-Which one? Which one was it?

Gamma something.
Gamma Delta. Gamma Delta Pi?
Gamma Delta Pi.
No, it was gamma globulin, it wasn't
a fraternity at all. It was a blood bank.

But they were really interested in you.
It was a blood bank.
The Hunger Artist.
It's the story of a performer...

...who fasts as a form of entertainment.
Sits in a cage all day. This is how
he manages to entertain his audiences.

But, with his dying breath...
...he reveals his great secret: he could
never actually find any food that he...

-I meant that.
-Jerry Lewis, ladies and gentlemen.
