...your station, $600.
But I'm in the back.
There's always less people back there.
You're not getting it.
What do you do if a customer talks to you?
I listen, act interested.
No. You say something funny,
then walk away.
So if they want to talk,
they got to buy more drinks.
-Okay, I'll try and do better.
-No, forget it.
You're too smart or too stupid,
but ain't happening.
It's a shame. Could have made
some real money.
Take this and get out of here.
Please let me finish tonight.
I really need the tips.
Victor, she's working her way
through college.
Did I ask you?
Come on, take it. For last week. Take it.
Man, our T.G. party was a total bust.
Every time I got close
to hitting it with a mama...
...a girlfriend showed up
to screw everything up.
What we need is a higher female-to-male
ratio, like in cool nightclubs...
...where they let in five times
as many women as men:
How are we going to get
five times as many women to show up?
We have a party,
but we call it a fundraiser.
-Think of a charity.
-It's got to be the right charity.
It's got to attract hotties.
-What's the country with all the babies?
-No, but wait.
That's going to give them
the wrong message.
All right. How about AlDS?
There's a mood-setter.
How about a suicide hotline?
But do they need a fundraiser?
All they have is phones.
Hey, backpacks.
-What's going on?
-Inspections for drugs and alcohol.
-Since when?
O'Brien is in a coma.
So the board instigated new policies.
This is whack.
-Can they even do this?
-I'll call my father's lawyer.
Our parents pay a lot of money for us
to enjoy our college experience.
Hey, my metal detector!
I don't know how to make this any easier
for you. It's character evaluation.
It's not unlike one of those
"VH-1 Legend" shows...
...except you're discussing a fictional
character instead of a coked-out singer.