
Understand this?
How about this? Dismissed.
Ah, yes.
-I don't understand my grade.
-That's the letter we use for failure.

See me after class.
-Do you have to ask him something?
-No, it's okay. Go ahead.

Professor Alcott?

I'm on a Regents Scholarship.
I have to maintain a .5 average.

I can do it with two As and a B+
because I can get a B in Physics.

I can't get less than a B
because I'd only have one A left.

The thing is, my roommates
never let me have any quiet study time.

And now I've had to move.
I have this kind of crazy philosophy
that your grades...

...should represent your grasp
of the material...

...not your negotiating skills,
which are amazing, by the way.

No, I would never ask for a grade
that you didn't think was fair.

It's just that since I have 20 credits
and I only need 16.

I hoped to take this class pass-fail,
so I don't get kicked out.

Sir, I promise I wouldn't slack off.
In fact, I'd work doubly hard.

I'm ecstatic to hear your plans
to work doubly hard.

Because Lit 100 courses are
never given pass-fail.

Why don't you take
all that non-slacking energy...

...and try to focus it
toward your finals. Okay?

Yes, sir.
That wasn't very nice.
I'm a mean son of a bitch.
When's your next class?

Not till 6:00.
I'm off at 4:00.
Okay, but can we discuss something
that I want to ask you about...

...in a non-emotional way?
Seriously, how am I supposed to teach
Camus when you're wearing this sweater?

I think we may have to take it off.
Do you think 4:00, my place?
I could be wrong, but I think so.

I'm sorry you feel that way
about the French.

It is a course on European Literature.
Can't ignore the whole country.

-Can I help you?
-Correct me if I'm wrong.
