Okay. But only if I can help you carry that.
What's up, man? How's it going?
Hey, how are you?
You look amazing. I like this very much.
That's very nice. Come in.
So, how've you been?
What a turnout, huh?
I don't know how I'll find my date.
Excuse me. I'll take a T-shirt.
You know what? I'll take two.
It's just juice. Drink it up.
You look a little dehydrated.
It's good. It's got juices and cranberry.
Do you know cranberry juice is good
for your urinary tract?
-What time is it?
-It's early.
So, which do you like better,
yellow or checks?
Because I want to know which kind of cab
to call when we're done.
Dude, come here. Come here.
You got to help me. Lisa is all primed,
but her helpful friend, fat Rita...
...will take her home
unless she gets some action, too.
First of all, I'm way too wasted
to be operating heavy machinery.
Second of all, I got this little spinner
all G-ed out. She's liquid.
Leave her on the back burner.
Take one for the team.
You owe me one.
-Count on it.
-All right.