You can't sleep while you tan.
Look at you. You're all burnt.
The tan is underneath. I have many layers.
-What's this genius plan you've devised?
-Okay, listen to this.
We figure out which class
we're doing worst in and drop it.
Then we transfer into European Lit 101,
but it has to be Professor Alcott's class.
We dump a D and transplant it with an A.
And why is Alcott
suddenly giving us all A's?
I'll make him an offer he can't refuse.
All right. Quiet, you guys.
Good morning.
-How long have I been asleep?
-Since Friday night.
Oh, my God.
-I've been in your bed and everything.
-It's no problem.
-Can I ask you something?
-Yeah. Sure.
-Are you on any special medication?
-Did you have a lot to drink?
I was at a convenience store
applying for the night shift job.
There was a guy who told me
about a fundraiser he was having.
And he brought me back here.
I drank some juice.
I don't really remember much after that.
I think somebody
slipped me a roofie or something.
Boy, I have got to stop trusting people.
You want some lunch? Yeah, you do.
You haven't eaten in days.
I'm starving and I ate this morning.
When you took me to the hospital,
did they call anybody to come get me?
They said you could go home
and rest a couple of days...
...and drink plenty of liquids.
And you need to take these.
So I can start a fire in your heart.
All right, that'll be ready in just a minute.
You just lie back and veg,
as you young people say.