I'm sorry.
I was looking for another bag
to put the laundry in.
-I'll get you-
-Yeah. Thanks.
I'll get you a bag.
You didn't get it from me.
Then how did I get it?
What are you talking about?
-Is it burning and itching?
-What's going to happen?
Is there some.... Is there a discharge?
Suddenly you know all about it, don't you?
Don't people talk gross on cell phones?
You'd think they'd be embarrassed
to have private conversations in public.
-I hate people with cell phones.
-All of them?
I hate everyone in there because
can get the new Garbage CD.
I hate them because they can eat
whatever they want to eat.
I hate anyone who has time to study.
-You hate a lot of people.
-I'm a rotten, nasty little person.
-No, you're not.
-Yes, I am.
Not having any money isn't ennobling.
It makes you mean.
Yeah, I get it. That's why
all the really nice people are rich.
-So who do you hate?
-No one.
I wish I could be more like you.
So how come you always wear that hat?
'Cause something like 90% of your body
heat escapes through your head.
But you're not particularly attached to it,
are you?
No. Not really.
-Come on.
-These belong to someone.
-No one who needs them more than you.
Howdy, Miss Dora.
Wait, here. Try this.
-Yeah. Yeah, that's the one.
Should I leave this one here?