- you're the weatherman. end it.
- groans
- where the heiiis he?
- crystai!
how many times do i have to
tell those guys about the cables?
i almost broke my fucking neck
on live television!
oh, sorr. i didn't realize you were
in the middle ofa meeting.
no, it's okay.
it's okay. calm down.
- calm down.
- you know--
- come with me.
- ihave to ieave, ofcourse.
itaikedto them about this thing.
it's nevergonna happen again.
all right?just relax.
it's not gonna happen again.
- hi, boss.
- hello. how you doing, bobby?
i can't do the olive garden tonight.
- scoffs
- my wife invited a few people over.
- i've gotta eat at home.
- that'sjust great, dick.
no, you know what?
i am tired ofthis bullshit.
hey, hey, hey.
easy. come on.
remember, we got
that affi liates thing coming up.
- uh-huh.
- six days in hawaii.
- mm-hmm.
- eating like pigs.
christ, you got some body on you.
tell me something i don't know.
do we have anything eise?
ithink we're through here.
unless you want to torture me
about the fucking weather chopper.
like that was a bad idea.
weather chopper?
come on, i'm a weatherman.
you know what the truth is?
i feel bad foryou, dick. i do.
one day you're gonna wake up,
and you're gonna realize...
you had a diamond in your hand,
and you let it slip away.
to where, atlantic city?
- oh, that's what this is about.
- to be a biggameshowhost.
that's right. i hear everthing.
i'm like a satellite in outer space.
did you get your audition?
- my agent is all over it.
- right. chuckles
russmace kornberg, piease.
yes, this is russ richards. mm-hmm.
you know, this is getting
a little ridiculous.
i've already left,
like, five messages.
aiiright, yourboss, mace kornberg,
sawme on tv, okay?
he iovedme, okay?
he wants to represent me.
we-- we sat at
mypersonaibooth at denny's...