these are, iike, compieteiy random.
- okay?
- flick it. make sure air gets--
twenty-two, seventy.
puncture. then you inject
a little paint into the ball.
- you know, weigh 'em down.
- sixteen.
then weput a iittie giue
overthe hoie.
- nine.
- russisn 't this fun?
- twenty-seven.
- russit's iikesummercamp.
it's iike arts andcrafts.
- seven.
- russ the six we don't inject.
- those are gonna rise to the top.
- it's my birthday.
get it? okay.
those are the winning numbers.
this is the concept ofgravity.
sweet, simple concept of gravity.
- here we go. go.
- ready?
yeah! whoo!
gasps oh, my god!
- that's brilliant. brilliant!
- all right. go.
andshe wasn 't gonna
sit aroundand wait
thisguy was wise
to aii ofthe iies
andhe flies out the door
easy money
wiii these warm temperatures
continue? this is russ richards.
catch me tonight in
the weathercenterandfindout.
right here on channei6, wtpa.