this guy kills me.
- i found crstal too.
- hiya, kid.judy, close the door.
- okay.
- thanks.
- what's going on?
- laughing
tv.: off
- so, russ, how's the fi nances?
- what?
- what?
- the fi nances.
- w-- great.
- good.
- you seemed in a bind last time.
- well, that was then.
terrific. and how are you, honey?
we haven't talked in a while.
- did you know may left me?
-jeez, i'm so sorr about that.
- life's tough.
- and how.
- but you seem to be doing well.
- i'm great.
- but you seem to be doing well.
- i'm great.
why wouldn't you be great,
with a friend like russ here?
- yeah. look at that, huh?
- oh, jeez.
oh, boy.
how 'bout that?
don't say a word, not one.
'cause if i hear one comment like,
"what are you talking about?"...
- i'm gonna call the cops.
- what?
wh-what doyou mean?it siippedout.
we're iistening. go ahead.
i chewed on it for three days,
and i'm convinced i have evidence
to fuckyou both up big time.
bull. you don't have any evidence.
what is that?
- stop it. shut up. youshut up.
- youshut up.
shut up! no. that's bullshit.
dick, you have the floor.
you have the floor.
- go ahead.
- short and sweet.
i want halfthe money,
ori'iihaveyou arrested, and
imight even do it on air, iive.
- imagine the ratings.
- i'd like to see you tr, asshole.
- you're gonna see me.
- i'll kill you, i swear to god!
- i'm gonna kill you!
- you treacherous little bitch!
you got one week
to get your shit together.
- you listening? i want the money.
- doorsiams
okay. okay.
okay, let's do a little math.
you want 20 percent,
dale wants halfa million,
and dick wants halfofeverthing.
i don't have a calculator,
but it seems i'm in debt again!
dale's money comes out
ofyour share. he's your friend.