Fighting men
on land, on sea and in the air
Blackshirts of the revolution
men and women ofltaly,
and the Kingdom ofAlbania,
hear this..
Except for my father who wasn´t
very fond of ´´Our Great Leader ´´
everyone in town was happy
that Italy was going to war
How could they know that our customs,
our lives would change forever?
The hour
ofdecisions from which
there is no return.
Pino, think this ant knows
he´s dead meat?
Who knows?
If he´s like you, he doesn´t know shit.
The declaration of war
has already been delivered
to the ambassadors...
l´m free from blame,
Mary´s son is my name.
Hey guys!
Lucky bastard,
he´s got a new bicycle!
Man, she´s beautiful!
lt´s almost brand new.
Custom-made, just like the racers.
-Now you´re a man, like us.
-So I can join the gang?
-Okay by me.
-l´d let him in.