
What´s her name?
Malena, the most beautiful ass
in Sicily.

The sun is bigger than the moon.
Sol maior est quam lunam.
Or sol maior est luna.
Can I screw your daughter,
you deaf old fart?

Yes, but hurry.
I love honesty more than wealth.
-Seven-and-a-haIf thumbs!
-Mine´s a bazooka!

-I got eight!
-Eight is nothing!

That´s just tickling a woman!
One, two, three and two is five,
two is seven and two is nine.

My submarine will rip Malena in half!
Once I skipped school
and went by Malena´s house.

She was at the window
and she called out to me.

I thought she wanted me
to get her some cigarettes.

I went up for the money
and her robe fell open.

And there she was,
naked as the day she was born.
Holy shit!
Shit! She did it on purpose!
I was an idiot,
I should have jumped at the chance.

l´ll bang her brains out
the next time it happens.

What ´´next time´´?
Now, she knows you´re a fag.

You little runt
you´ve been here for two hours

and you stilI haven´t
measured yourself.

Measure it!
One, two,
three, four,
Only six!
You know what they say about
a kid in short pants?

Short pants: short dick!
Fuck off, my thumbs are twice
as big as yours!

Who´s got the biggest dick now, runt?
You do!
