
At my house.
Jumped right in, the dentist did.
He looks stupid, but...

How long did he stay?
Not long.
What did you do?
He brought me some medicine
for my father.

If it was for your father,
why did he bring it to you?

I don´t know.
What did you do after
he gave you the medicine?

He said goodbye and left.
Then why
has Cusimano,
a reputable professional,

who, five years ago,
had the honor of extracting
one of il Duce´s teeth,

publicly declared
that he is your fiancée?

He made that up.
I had nothing to do with it.
Your husband´s crazy.
What kind of relationship
did you have with Lt. Cadei?

l´m a widow,
my business and that of Lt. Cadei
are no concern of the law.
Did you know, that as a result of
these affairs,

Lt. Cadei was transferred to Albania?
One down.
And before his departure he was
questioned in judicial inquiry.

He declared to have encountered
the widow Scordia only twice,

in her home,
and to have had
no amorous relationship,

considering their relationship
´´just a casual friendship.´´

Son of a bitch.
Lt. Cadei was received by my client
and she makes no secret about
having had for him
