Of course,
he´s been put into
a psychiatric clinic,
he wants to volunteer for
the Forces in East Africa.
He doesn´t realize
we lost Africa ages ago!
But let´s forget Cusimano
and the fickle Lieutenant Cadei,
let´s get to us!
I know it´s not much....
But it´s all I have.
They´ve cut my pension.
Don´t you understand?
That´s peanuts!
My fee is much more than that.
You´ll never have enough money!
But how will I ever repay you?
lt´s very easy, my sweet.
-What are you saying?
-Be with me, my love!
l´m in love with you!
You shouldn´t be alone
during these hard times.
l´ll take care of you and your father,
you´ll keep the house.
Don´t you want to
be respectable again?
I forgive her, she did it
to pay her lawyer´s fee,
only once and never again.
But you didn´t keep our agreement.
Now, we´re even.
...in the South, the Allied bombings
have forced thousands to flee.
Refugees are pouring into
the countryside and the port towns.
Citizens of these regions
have been alerted
to possible severe food shortages
and outbreaks ofdisease...