I know-- I know
that we haven't been
together that long,
but the time
that we have spent together
has been really incredible.
Greg, how come
you don't like cats?
I don't not like cats.
I-l just--
I just prefer dogs.
I mean, I'm just
more of a dog kind of,
you know--
Come home,
wagging their little tails,
happy to see you kind of--
You need that assurance?
You prefer an emotionally
shallow animal?
You see, Greg,
when you yell at a dog,
his tail will go between
his legs and cover his genitals,
his ears will go down.
A dog is very easy to break,
but cats make you work
for their affection.
- They don't sell out
the way dogs do.
- Huh.
You like
Peter, Paul and Mary?
[Tape Starts]
Yes, I do.
I'm a big fan.
Puff the magic dragon
Lived by the sea
Great song.
Yeah, one of
my favorites.
Who would've thought
it wasn't really
about a dragon, huh?
What do you mean?
You know,
the whole drug thing.
No, I don't know.
Why don't you tell me?
Some people think that...
to "puff the magic dragon"
means to--
They're really, uh--
to smoke-- to smoke--
a marijuana cigarette.
Well, Puff's just the name
of the boy's magical dragon.
Are you a pothead,
No! No.
No, no, no, no, Jack.
No, I'm-- I'm not-- I--
I pass on grass
all the time.