Meet the Parents

That was
a long time ago, Pam.

Yeah, okay, well,
so was this.

Kevin's and my connection
was more physical
than anything else.

Like what? Like you
worked out together?

No, no, it was nothing, nothing.
It was a stupid sexual thing.

I'm gonna go throw up now.
Greg, listen.

Kevin and I were only engaged
for a month before I realized
that I'd made a mistake, okay?

I-l-l gave back the ring,
I moved to Chicago,

and I met and fell
in love with you, okay,
so can we please drop this?


I just feel like this
is not going well at all.

I feel like your dad
hates me.
He doesn't hate you, sweetie.

Come on. Just give him
a chance, all right?

Maybe he's nervous too,

I thought he would love
my gift, you know,
being this big flower guy,

but it's like he didn't
even show the slightest bit
of interest.

Listen to me.
Forget the gift.

You are the most adorable,
loving, sweetest man
in the whole world,

and I love you.
And very soon my parents
are gonna see that...

and grow to love you too,

Speaking of growing
to love you--

Honey, it's late.
Come on.
I know it's late.

But Mr. Winky is still
on Chicago time,

and we both know
there's only one way
to make Mr. Winky go away.

And there it is.

What's with the robe?
It's Pam's. My pajamas
are in the suitcase
with everything else.

Hey, I'll lend you a pair
of Jack's. Okay, honey?

You don't have to do that,
Oh, no, no, no.

No, that's fine.
We have to.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

Look, Greg,
I just wanna say, don't worry
about what happened tonight.

Oh, thanks, Jack.
Still, I feel horrible.
I mean--
