Never been there.
Rise and shine, Cookie.
Time for training.
Are you familiar with the principle
of Boyle's Law?
The what?!
l didn't hear your answer!
Come on, Cookie. Get up.
At a constant temperature. . .
. . .the volume of a confined gas
varies conversely with its pressure.
Why is this law important in diving?
l don't know, chief!
That's because you're just
some dumb nigger from Podunk.
l know you. Your smell hung
in every damn shack l ever lived in.
Your face staring
when we had to leave. . .
. . .because your daddy
could farm it cheaper than mine.
He drank himself into a $7 casket,
but not me!
Because l'm a master diver!
Maybe you'll remember that
next time. . .
. . .you imply we got anything
in common. You read me, Cookie?
Get your goddamn Wisconsin ass
back to bed, Snowhill!