The Navy diver is not a fighting man
but a salvage expert.
lf it's lost, he finds it.
lf it's sunk, he brings it up.
lf it's in the way, he moves it.
lf he's lucky, he'll die 200 feet
beneath the waves.
That's the closest he'll get
to being a hero.
Hell, l don't know why anybody'd want
to be a Navy diver.
Good flange work, Rourke.
-Almost there.
-Thank you, master chief.
Machinist's Mate Rourke, 91 .
Boatswain's Mate Brashear, 37.
-You fail the next test, you're out.
-Yes, sir.
There are seats of learning beyond
the walls and control of this camp.
Ladies, this is weekend liberty.
Anyone who ain't back here on time
will have to answer to me personally.
And remember: One-night stands
may be over by morning. . .
. . .but syphilis lasts a lifetime.
Hey! Hey! How about some flowers
for your young lady?
What's the hitch?
-You're the one who called.
-Yes, ma'am.
l told you. We're a public library,
not a tutoring service.