Men of Honor

Now if you don't mind. . .
. . .there is a Mr. Biddle at home.
ln fact,
he's probably brought flowers.

Have a wonderful weekend.
And lock up, would you?
And be sure to kick him out.
We're closed.
Not for three minutes.
You studying on nursing?
A person doesn't study ''on'' anything,
boatswain's mate.

You know your rates and ranks.
Did you get that from these books?

Look, l am not here to flirt with you.
l'm in diving school
across the river.

l'm not just good at it.
l was born for it.

But the joke is, l'll wash out
if l fail my next exam.

What's the last grade you completed?
-l can't help you.
-Why not?

lt took me four years of work
to get through med school.

Now l have six weeks
to study for my exam.

l pass, l become an intern,
maybe someday a doctor.

You're too far behind.
And l don't have the time.

Okay. Go on.
Go read to yourself.
Don't give me another thought.

Don't you get it?
lt doesn't matter if l help you.

-You're gonna fail anyway.
-l won't.

l can't.
Why do you want this so badly?
Because they said l couldn't have it.
