Men of Honor

She told me it was okay
to dance with girls.

l love this song.
Donny. . .
. . .be a dear lad
and get us two Scotches.

We're out.
Lucky for us you got a whole bar
full of bourbon.

What the hell you doing with him?
Get out.
Well, l'll be goddamned.
lt's prom night at the Moor Bar.
You boys have a drink on me.
Go ahead.

Hell, l don't know who classes up
the joint more:

The fetching young lady
in the fur stole or Cookie here.

So, what did you two kids come here
to do anyway? Dance?

Why not take a turn?
lt's a free country. Mostly.

You made a big mistake walking
in here.

-lt's my fault.
-lt's all your fault.

Spoiled little girl gets her kicks
dragging stray men in here.

Thinks we're a bunch of rednecks
she can shake up for fun.

Hey, Donny. . .
. . .be a dear lad and bring the lady
a fresh soldier.

Think you deserve to be here?
Fraternizing among Navy men?
Think you're as good as them?
And me? You better than me?
Damn right l am.
