So, what do you think, John?
I think she's going to her grave
wide awake.
Is this the same as the Maywood Hotel,
or what?
Yeah, but she's been knocked around
a little more.
With the eyes open like this?
The other tied down?
Same marks, ankles and wrists.
No evidence of a struggle.
Maybe she was into it.
Not this much.
Her eyes aren't open.
- Oh, shit.
- What?
Her eyelids have been cut off.
We'll take it from here.
- No way.
- We caught the first vic.
Yeah, and this is our catch.
I want to know,
what's in it for you, Cush?
What's that supposed to mean?
We don't really
want the media in on this...
so I don't understand
why you're interested.
Oh, really? You're the one who wants
to be in People magazine, Catherine.
"Twenty-Five Most Intriguing People. "
Don and me, we just caught the call.
Thanks, Chief.
Miss Kittrie, how do you do?
My name is Detective Palmer.
I'll be investigating the case.
Do you mind if I ask you
a few questions?
I'm gonna put this on.
Is that okay with you?
Friday night you met for drinks?
At Seniorelli's.
Just you and Dorothy?
Some of the other girls
from work.
You meet there often?