You knew Sandra Moser?
- Yes.
- Did Dorothy know Sandra Moser?
And you would like me to believe
that this is some big coincidence?
The three of you
knew each other...
and you're the only one
that's left alive?
It's not just me.
What does that mean?
Who else?
There's a group of women...
who like to get together
without men.
And Dorothy and Sandra
were part of this group?
Yes. Yes.
Did Dorothy and Sandra Moser have
a relationship, Vickie?
Yes. They had a thing together
back in the past.
Okay, how many women
are we talking about here?
Some of these women
are prominent.
Or their husbands are.
I don't care.
So what?
So we don't use our real names
with each other.
Doesrt this scare you?
I mean, doesn't this scare you
just a little bit?
I make a lot of money
every year.
This is my home.
It used to be a shitty little hole
in the ground, and I know...
I'm not going back there
because of who I like to sleep with.
That scares me.
Come on. Let's go.