Gil Reynolds was a marine sniper
in Vietnam.
February 1969 toJuly '71.
He did three tours.
He requested a fourth,
but they turned him down.
A fucking sniper.
How eerie is that shit?
He was discharged September '71
with 91 confirmed kills.
We got any psychological analysis
in his medical records?
No. The Corps protects its own.
What else we got?
His ex-wife Denise.
She left him after she found out
he was having an affair...
with Dorothy Samenov.
Two months before she left him,
she was admitted...
to the emergency room
at Baylor Medical Center.
Severely battered.
Claimed she was mugged.
Now she's missing.
And we can't find her?
Missing Persons
checked her apartment.
Suitcase gone,
a lot of clothes too...
along with the car.