A real piece of shit named
Clyde Barbish. Miriel's boyfriend.
I'd introduce you, but I don't
want to break his train of thought.
- This skell just broke our case for us.
- How?
It seems that Gil Reynolds' wife Denise
did not leave town on her own accord.
As part of the divorce settlement,
she was gonna expose Reynolds...
for the perverted shit that he is.
- Gil pays Clyde to put a bullet in her.
- With a Colt. 45.
Mm-hmm. It seems these
thickheaded cowboys...
they love their guns so much
they can't part with them.
Now he wants to make a deal, and he
says he's got the whole thing on tape.
How's that?
The deal with Reynolds
went down at Miriel's.
She had a habit of videotaping
everything from a peephole.
Reynolds is gonna need a real good
lawyer to escape the needle on this.
Why don't you go get the tapes?
We'll ruin his day.