You're going to get it, man.
That's for bringing me
into this world.
After the third championship,
my father kept kind of hinting
towards me playing baseball
"Stop playing basketball.
Why don't you give
your baseball a shot?"
Because that's what he actually
got mestared playing...
when I was six years old...
I played baseball.
And he felt that
I could play baseball...
and do it with the same
conviction and attitude...
that I played basketball.
Everyday, the first person
there before the sun...
would be Jordan.
And he was there
because he wasn't good.
He would work
with a batting instructor...
and work all day long...
and be the last person to leave
every night also.
Strike three!
Money's no Stan Musial.
But he's tring.
Say, hey,
he's no Willie Mays.
But he's tring, man.
What it did teach me was,
don't be afraid to try.
The worst thing that can happen...
... is it doesn't...it doesn't pan out
the way that you envision it.
But at least you know
that by giving it a shot.
People were basically saying...
that I didn't have no reason
being in the sport,
and I was degrading the sport.
When those negative things
started to happen,
the only thing,
I wish my father was there...
to give me the positive
reinforcements that I needed.
I asked him what it was like
for him in the morning.
And Jordan said,"I get up
before the sun comes up,
and I make myself
some breakfast by myself"...
he was down there alone...
"and I get in the car.
"And I'm driving
to spring training,
"and there's no one, really,
out on the roads yet.
"And I look at the seat
next to me and I see my Dad,
"and I talk to him.
"I think to myself,
Pops, we're doing this.
We're doing this together."
And the day would end,