Michael Jordan to the Max

M.J. at Russell.
Michael a drive,
and the lay-up is good.

A driving lay-up by Michael...
draws the Bulls
to within one.: 86-85.

And now you got a chance
for a stop here.

Dennis and Karl are going
to get down on the post,

and they're going to do all
their little necessary banging.

I focused on Karl.

Hornacek screens across.
Malone to the post.
While he's
fighting with Dennis,

he basically forgets
where the ball is,

and so I choose this opportune time
to make my steal,

and I came back
to strip the ball away.

Malone stripped by Michael!
To the floor,
stolen by M.J.!

Michael a steal!
Sixteen seconds left.

Bulls down one.
Crowd gets quiet.
The moment starts to become
the moment, you know, for me.

Once you get in the moment,
you know you're there.

And when I saw the moment...
the opportunity to take advantage of it...
I never doubted myself.

knowing that this was going
to be the last opportunity...

to either win the game
or lose it.

Michael against Russell.
Eleven, ten...Jordan.
Jordan a drive,
hangs, fires...

Bulls win the title!
The Bulls are
the world champs again!

If that's the last image
of Michael Jordan,

how magnificent is it?
Oh, my God, that
was beautiful.

What a finish!
I had faith!
I had faith!

You bet you did.
We've come a long
long way together

Through the hard times
and the good

I have to celebrate
you, baby

I have top raise you
like I should

His sixth MVP
this past season,
