now saw the results
of a lifetime of hard work.
He would go to J.V. practice and practice,
and then he'd go to varsity practice.
We'd play
ball games, and after
the games were over,
he'd run what we called "suicides"
or line drills...
he'd run those by himself.
I just maveled
at his work habits even then.
With his competitiveness
to go with all that dedication,
you know, it was something to see.
The weakest par of Michael's game on the offensive end...
was his shooting.
So he obviously mastered something...
that eveybody said he couldn't
do when he came out of college.
And he didn't by shooting
and shooting and shooting...
and shooting consistently.
The other thing that people told him...
that he wasn't a really good defensive player.
And he founda way...
not only to become a great defensive player...
but the best defensive player in the N.B.A.
This guy said, "Those are my weaknesses.
I'm going to figure out how to make those my strengths."
And he didn't.
I got a glimpse,
really, of Michael Jordan...
and what he was all about the
first time lever coached him.
About two minutes to go in
the game, I called a time-out.
And we were down two... it was
right there in the balance.
And I had some
little powder on my mouth...
from where I chewed some gum
and chewed it so hard...
that it really had become powder.
And Michael grabbed a cup of
water and he handed it to me,
and he said, "Take a drink of this water.
"Clear that stuff off your mouth.
I'm not going to let you
lose your first game."
The level of faith that
I have in anything in life...
is taught to you from your parents.
It is a trait
that I would never
trade anything for.
And if I can
ever pass anything
on to my kids...
it would be
to be optimistic
about everthing in life.
He was only a freshman at the
University of North Carolina,
but with the 1982 N.C.A.A.
Championship at stake,
his team's fate was in his
hands, And he never hesitated.
Goes back to Michael Jordan,
jumper from out on the lef!