Move a side and let
the man go through
Let the man go through
Move a side and let
the man go through
Let the man go through
Move a side and let
the man go through
Let the man go through
Move a side and let
the man go through
Let the man go
through, through
Move up
and let the man go
Let the man go
Move up, let the man go
Let the man go through
Move a side
and let the man go through
Let the man go through
Move a side
and let the man go through
Let the man go through
If you walk through
a crowd with Jordan,
you see the same thing he sees...
you see all the eyes aiming in.
And I asked,
"What do you see in the crowd?"
And he said,"Sometimes
I'll see a father and a son.
"They may not think
I've even noticed them,
but sometimes,"
Jordan will say,
"I wonder if they have any idea how much
I'd like to be them."
Last night
we began the show...
with the disappearance
of Michael Jordan's father.
Tonight, the worst fears
have come true.
James Jordan
was found dead...
the victim of an apparent murder.
When my father died,
I had him for 32 years.
I was very lucky.
I looked at it as being lucky,
not as being disappointed
that he wasn't around anymore.
I was lucky that he was there
when I needed him...
that he could infuence
my life to look at situations...
that I use to help make
my decisions to this day.
Some kids never have that.
Sure, I would love
to have him now, but...
people are put
on this earth for a reason,
and you utilize the time
that you're here.
You never know when that's
going to be taken away from you.