I'm looking at you, Liva.
The whole time. Always.
I'm always close to you.
Meine dear little whore.
I'm watching you, right now.
Finally, Liva.
Of course I am Liva Psilander.
Bjarke's elder sister.
Can I talk to Bjarke?
Bjarke, what the hell is going on here?
What are you doing
in the headmaster's office?
I've told you you
can't live here.
You're in deep shit?
What should I say then?
Don't spill on the Persian rug!
My grandfather brought
that from the orient.
You're so strong...
I wouldn't want to be punished
by you, even if it was necessary.
But life doesn't work without
punishment. Already as a child...
Isn't that a bit old fashioned?
- No.
Not at all.
I'm still a member of the school's
disciplinary committee.
We're still teaching
the strict way.
What does that mean?
- I just fustigated one.