
I have to go to Kopenhagen,
and it's not easy with Rud.

Why do you live here all alone?
Father had been taking care of Rud.
- And your mother?

What about her?
She hanged herself on
Denmark's oldest oak.

She was interested in history.
It was over there in the forest.
I had to take her down.
Why did she do that?
- I don't know.

Father never talked about it,
and she didn't leave a letter.

Rud often hangs around
at that place.

Please stay!
- Yes, but I have to pick up Bjarke.

Sure, we have a new car after all.
Rud, take that thing off.
You'll frighten the boy.

What the hell is this?
I won't stay here.

Your room is next to mine.
Talk to the boy.
His name is Bjarke.

What a dump!
I'll catch salmonellea here!
