Miss Congeniality

How are you doing? You okay?
I'm good.
You're starting early today.
Yeah, I'm gonna get chip-faced.
Want to join me?

I'd love to, but I have
a pressing social engagement.

Brownie meeting.
Mike, give me a beer and....
Milk. Give her milk.
White wine spritzer.
Are most of the people in here agents?
As a matter of fact, here's
an agent. Gracie Hart.

Beth Carter.
Right back to you.
Beth is an undergrad at Vassar,
doing a paper on law enforcement.

I'm helping her get an inside look.
I bet she'll do the same for you.
Gracie, I would love to get
a woman's point of view.

You're barking up the wrong tree.
Right, Hart?

Do all the women have to wear
those really masculine shoes?

I get these made special by the guy
that put the tattoo on my ass.

We'll leave you with Ben and Jerry.
Catch you later.

-Nice meeting you.
-You too.

Hope you have a good time at the mall.
Wohop is the place.
Wohop is good, but if you like
variety, you go to La Chinita Linda.

Their rice and beans are slamming.
I don't want variety.
I get pork fried rice every--

I figured it out! I tried to create
a content-based pattern...

...similar to his previous letters.
But this time, he used a signifier.
In this case, the word "miss"...
...in the subsequent letters.
Will you let me finish?

It's the Miss United States Pageant.
Yeah. Intelligence thought so too.
What do we got?
Miss United States from San Antonio,
Texas, home of the Alamo.

I forgot the Alamo.
The pageant lasts three days.
Preliminaries, conferences...

...the live telecast.
It's a logistical nightmare.

Not just a babe-fest.
Jesus, we've only got 48 hours.
