Miss Congeniality

How's she doing?
With some intensive work...
...she'll be ready for the world's
finest trailer park.

Thank you!
Both painful...
...and grotesque.
Isn't it?
Oh, my God!
Mr. Vic, we got everything
you asked for. Where do we start?

Teeth, hair, manicure, pedicure.
Which one first?
What are you gonna do to my teeth?
Hopefully, remove the beer stains
and steak residue.

Can't I get some Novocain?
It's only a cleaning.
Sweeney Todd, what are you doing?
Your hair should make a statement.
As long as it's not,
"Thanks for the Country Music Award."

You'll be lucky
if I can get it untangled.

No mercy.
Can I borrow that drill?
Attention. Attention.
All hair removal units,
wax, electrolysis, laser...

...to commence at 2300 hours.
Bikini wax.
