[Man] Well, Dmitri,
every search for a hero...
must begin with something
that every hero requires--
a villain.
There fore, in the search
for our hero, Bellerophon,
we created a monster,
I beg you, Dmitri,
come to Sydney...
and accompany me
to Atlanta immediately.
However we travel,
lmust arrive at my destination...
within 20hours ofdeparture.
[Children Giggling]
* Ashes, ashes *
* They all fa ll down **
[Captain Over P.A. ]Folks, we 're
two-and-a-halfhours fromAtlanta.
Look outyour windo wnow. We have
agreat viewofthe Rocky Mountains.
You keep staring at that watch as if
your life depended on it, Doctor.
Oh, yes.
I suppose I'm a bit anxious.
You'll soon be with old friends.
I'm with an old friend now, Dmitri.
I'm sorry it couldn't be
under happier circumstances.
I'm sorry too.
You are sorry, and I am sorry.
You don't know Gradski
thought the world ofyou.
Did he... know...
before the end
that you two had succeeded?
Yes, he knew.Just--
Not in time to save him.
[ Sighs ] No.
Afteryou've been infected with Chimera
for 20 hours, nothing can save you.
Not even Bellerophon.
You can carry them
together... safely?
And you'll get us to safe place
with them in Atlanta, thank God.
This isyour captain again.
We 've experienced a slight...
but abrupt drop in cabin pressure.
As a precaution,
I've released the oxygen masks.
-[ Passengers Murmuring ]
-Please put them on andsit back, relax.
There 's nothing
to worry about.
Are you concerned?
Not so fa r.
Just put on your oxygen mask.
I'll see what's going on.
Denver Center,
this is Trans-Pac 2207, 747 heavy.
We 're unable to maintain
cabin pressurization.
We've initiated a descent
to one six thousand.
It seems we have
a problem, Dmitri.
You keep calling me Dmitri.
You really shouldn't.
You are not Dmitri?
Wallis, hold on to this.
Ulrich, remember to pull the--
Remember to pull
the NO2 tank and dump it.
All done, chief.
[ Autopilot ] Terrain. Terrain.
Pull up. Pull up.
Okay, dive, dive!
Checkpoint Charlie in three,
two, one, go!
[A utopilot] Terrain. Terrain.
Pull up. Pull up.
Terrain. Terrain.
Pull up. Pull up.
- Terrain. Terrain. Pull up. Pull up.
-[ Screaming ]
******[lndistinct Reggae]
***Hey, hey now
Come andplay now***
*** Time is forthe taking***
***Betterget it whileyou can
before thegroundis shaking***
*** Come, hey, come away***
***Souca souca na na***
*** Come on, come on, miss
allez, allez***
*** With a souca souca mama***
***Hey, mistersee thatsister***
***Don'tyou let them feelyou***
***Sticks andstones
may breakyour bones***
***But nowher looks could killyou***
***Hey, come away
Souca souca na na***
*** Come on, come on, miss
allez, allez***
*** With a souca souca mama***
*** Oh, hey, come away
Souca souca na na***
*** Come on, come on, miss
allez, allez***
*** With a souca souca mama***
*** Oh, hey, come away
Souca souca na na***
*** Come on, come on, miss
allez, allez***
*** With a souca souca mama***
*** Come on, come on, miss
allez, allez***
*** With a souca souca mama***
*** With a souca souca mama***
*** With a souca souca mama***
******[Song Fades]
[ Scoffs ]
[ Chuckles ]
[Man On Earpiece]
Goodmorning, Mr. Hunt.
Your mission,
should you choose to accept it,
in volves the recovery of
a stolen item designated ''Chimera. ''
You may select any two team members,
but it is essentialthat the third
team member be Nyah Nordoff-Hall.
She is a civilian and
a highly capable professional thief.
You have 48 hours
to recruit Miss Nordoff- Hall...
andmeet me in Seville
to receiveyour assignment.
As always, should you or any member
ofyour IMF team be caught or killed,
the secretary will disavow
all knowledge ofyour actions.
And, Mr. Hunt,
the next time you go on holiday,
please be good enough to let us know
where you're going.
[ Woman On Earpiece ] This message
will self-destruct in fiive seconds.
If I let you know where I'm going...
then I won't be on holiday.
[ Chattering In Spanish ]
[ Instrument Humming ]
lseeyou foundit.
What are you doing here?
Thinkyou're the only one
who can pick a lock?
Huh. You're notjust
a pretty face after all.
[DoorOpens, Man Humming]
Do you mind if I'm on top?
No. Either way works for me.
[DoorOpens, Closes]
- You'll never findit there.
- Damn it!
Find what?
His ex's Bulgari necklace
that goes up for auction on Tuesday.
And are you gonna tell me
where it is?
Far left.
This is very disconcerting.
Hey, you put me here.
I just do as I'm told.
- Right.
- [ Grunts ]
Now, who are you,
and what's it gonna cost me?
- I wouldn't do that.
- What?
- [Alarm Blaring]
- That.
[Men Shouting ln Spanish ]
No, no, no.
Tranquilo. Tranquilo.
Mr. Keys, it is you.
It is Mr. Keys,
our security engineer. Apologize!
No, no.
No need to apologize.
Now, Miss Hall, my associate has
your necklace in a very safe place.
But obviously we do feel the alarm
should have gone offa little sooner.
- lsn 't that right, Miss Hall?
- Hmm? Oh, absolutely.
Much, much too long, I'd say.
Under the circumstances,
I think we'd recommend...
resetting the sensors
to respond to a lighter load.
How do you feel
about 40 kilos, Miss Hall?
Shall we?
- Miss Hall.
- Hmm?
Haven't you forgotten something?
What are you trying to do, senorita?
Rob me?
The thought had crossed my mind.
I'm missing something here, aside
from my half-million-pound necklace.
Even after I screwed up thejob,
I could've walked out ofthere
with the bloody thing.
At least you walked.
Why did you watch me
go through it all?
I wanted to see how good you were.
I was hoping we might work together.
Sounds terrifii c.
Now be serious.
Whateveryou're talking about,
you couldn't possibly want me
after tonight's performance.
- You didn't do that badly.
- You apologizing for me?
Qu ite the gentleman.
Not really.
I triggered the alarm.
[Alarm Blaring]
[Alarm Stops]
I don't do laundry, cook,
or put up with cheeky bastards
who set me up on their territory
so they can poach on mine.
[ Tires Screeching ]
[Cell Phone Ringing]
[ Hunt On Phone ] Hi.
Would you mind slowing down?
Where did you get this number?
I don't even have it.
Would you like it?
[Cell Phone Ringing]
Pull over and listen to me,
will you?Just listen.
- Listen to what?
- I need your help.
- Andlthinkyou could use mine.
- Your help?
- What areyou talking about?
- I'm talking about Scotland Yard,
Interpol, every Dutch authority.
- I can make them all go away.
- Oh, bloody hell.
You're a spy!
Well, ifyou want me,
you've gotta catch me!
You having fu n?
[ Horn Honking ]
- [ Horn Honking ]
- ldiota.
Watch the road.
Watch the road.
- [ Screaming ]
- [ Horn Honking ]
[ Screams ]
[ Truck Horn Honking ]
[Tires Screeching]
[ Whimpering ]
What's your name?
Ethan Hunt.
Well, Ethan Hunt,
what is it you want
to talk to me about?
A lot more than I thought.
Awfu lly short notice.
Care to wait a decent interval?
Who wants to be decent?
[ Sighs ]
[Clock Chiming]
So what have you got
against spies?
When they've got
your recruiting technique?
[ Both Laughing ]
This wasn't exactly by the book.
They've got a book for this?
Oh, they've got
a book for everything.
So, this thing
these blokes pinched--
I don't know
that they pinched it.
I don't even know
that they're blokes.
What am I doing here?
And I thought I'm supposed to be...
some kind ofthief
to catch a thief.
So do I... sort of.
Damn, you're beautifu l.
[Cro wdShouting, Chanting]
** [ Chanting Continues ]
Espresso? Cappuccino?
- No, thanks.
- Sit down. Sit down.
Festival's a pain in the ass.
Honoring their saints
by setting them on fii re.
Letsyou know what they think
ofsaints, doesn 't it?
Damn near set me on fii re
on my way over here.
Sorry I barged in
on your vacation.
I'm sorry I didn't
let you know where I was.
Don't be. It wouldn't
be a vacation ifyou did.
You're sorry, and I'm sorry.
Why did you phrase it like that?
- Like what?
- ''You're sorry; I'm sorry.''
[ Chuckles ]
You've gotta be kidding.
[DoctorOn Tape] Well, Dmitri,
once again lneedyour help.
Just as in the old days, huh?
Whenyousa ved our lives,
sa ved our very sanity.
we have this little problem.
Every search for a hero...
must begin with something
that every hero requires--
a villain.
Therefore, in thesearch
forour hero, Bellerophon,
we created a monster, Chimera.
I beg you, Dmitri,
come to Sydney and accompany me
to Atlanta immediately.
Ho wever we tra vel,
lmust arrive at my destination...
within 20hours ofdeparture.
I fear I can entrust this
to no one but you.
Dmitri, as we say,
l'm sorry andyou're sorry.
Do you have any idea
what the hell he's talking about?
- An idea? Yeah.
- Like?
Like it 's agoodidea
topick him up in a hurry...
and a bad idea to fly him
on a commercial carrier.
-Is he still in Sydney?
-Dr. Vladimir Nekhovich is dead.
So is his colleague Gradski,
but that happened earlier.
We had Nekhovich on a flight from
Sydney that crashed in the Rockies.
- Dead?
- Are you listening to me?
If he didn't want
to go anywhere without me,
how did you get him
on that flight?
Oh, you were there.
When lcouldn 't findyou,
lhadto replaceyou.
SeanAmbrose was the obvious choice.
No w, he doubledyou, what,
two orthree times?
- Twice.
- What did you think of him?
We had our reservations
about each other.
Isn't it a little late
to be asking me that?
No, not necessarily.
Airline records...
list a Captain Harold Macintosh
as the pilot offlight 2207.
As fa r as the media and all
government agencies are concerned,
Captain Macintosh
died on the flight.
But, in fact, he missed it.
He did, however,
make the next flight...
in cargo.
Stuffed into a rather small
suitcase, considering his size.
Now, someone on that flight
planned an operation...
designed to bring theplane do wn
andmake it looklike an accident.
Someone skillfu l enough to bring
the whole thing off without a hitch.
So there's one thing we know
that Ambrose doesn't.
You do think it was Ambrose?
You're not surprised?
Sean feels he hasn't done thejob unless
he leaves a lot of hats on the ground.
The question is why? What was this,
uh, Chimera, Nekhovich was carrying?
Only Ambrose knows that.
In any case, you must recover this--
whatever-- Chimera, and bring it to us.
In order to do that, I have to fii gure
out how he plans to make money with it.
That is where Miss Hall comes in.
Excuse me?
Miss Hall and Ambrose
had a relationship...
which he took very seriously.
She walked away, and he's been
wanting her back ever since.
We believe she's our surest
and quickest way of locating him.
And then what?
Well, make sure
she continues to see him,
gets him to confii de in her,
and report to you.
You made it sound as if I was recruiting
her for her skills as a thief.
Well, then I misled you,
oryou made the wrong assumption.
Either way, we're asking her
to resume a prior relationship,
not do anything
she hasn't already done.
Voluntarily, lmight add.
No, she's got no training
for this kind ofthing.
What, to go to bed with a man
and lie to him? She's a woman.
She's got all
the training she needs.
I don't think
I can get her to do it.
- You mean it'll be diffii cult.
- Very.
Well, this is not Mission Diffii cult,
Mr. Hunt, it's Mission Impossible.
Diffii cult should be
a walk in the park foryou.
l'm open to suggestion.
lfyou can think ofa quicker way,
you're welcome to try.
You might take a lookat these...
ifyou have any further qualms
aboutgetting her to do thejob.
******[Woman Vocalizing]
How many people are capable
ofsomething like that?
Sean Ambrose, for one.
This wasn't what
I had in mind, Nyah.
But it is what you'd
like me to do.
What? Oh, let my conscience
be my guide, is that it?
Something like that.
I don't have a conscience.
I'm a bloody thief.
Are you gonna try
and force me to do this?
Generally, I don't favor
coercing someone,
not when there's a chance
my life could end up in their hands.
- Is that the only reason?
- Can you think ofa better one?
Me? No.
But I wasjust hoping that you might,
thinking that somewhere, this got
personal as well as physical!
Would it make you feel any better
if I didn't want you to do this?
- Yeah, much.
- Then feel better!
You know, Sean will never
be anything butsuspicious...
iflpitch up saying,
''Hey, honey, l'm home. ''
What wouldn't
make him suspicious?
That I needed him
in some urgent way.
In serious trouble.
The kind I couldn't possibly
sort out myself.
Serious trouble, Nyah, is something
that I can always arrange.
This transponder chip
is completely untraceable.
lt transmitsyour location
to a satellite...
which can be read
by only this computer.
We can then trackyou
to within three feet.
Sinceyour arrest, l've
been sending news bulletins...
to every la wenforcement agency.
that after that airline crash,
he's monitoring
every one ofthem.
He knowsyou're there.
Andhe has the means
togetyou out.
l'm notgonna loseyou.
Ethan Hunt? G'day, mate.
I'm William Baird. Billy's okay.
Anythingyou need me toget,
move or watch, just let me know.
I'll have a look around.
[ Chuckles ]
- Shit.
- Yes, it is.
This ain't fu nny.
I just bought
these $800 Gucci shoes,
and you got me in a helicopter
with this man?
Computer's up. We got her.
Let's put in the coordinates
and get a visual.
Visuals aren't coming up.
The satellite doesn't work
as fast as I do.
Yeah, I heard about you, Luther.
Just wanna say it's an honor...
and a pleasure
to be working with you blokes.
Come on. Isn't there any way
we can speed this up?
With what? This is
the only computer that'll do this.
Ethan, here we go.
No w, there 's a bloke who knows
howtogive aproper welcome.
Don't get me wrong, mate.
You were very friendly also.
- ls it him?
- It's him, Billy.
- So we've got him!
- We don't know what we 've got.
'Cause we don't know what he's got,
where he's got it or
what he's doing in Sydney with it.
- Not much luggage.
- I left in a bit ofa hurry.
I'm incredibly gratefu l, Sean.
How in the world did you fii nd me?
How I usually fii nd you, Nyah.
Mmm, mmm!
No flies on her.
No bugs, either.
No transmissions.
She's clean.
All cats are.
- Your room?
- Mmm.
- And my room?
- Hmm.
[ Computer Beeping ]
She did it.
She's in the compound.
Yeah? Wejust rolled up
a snowball and tossed it into hell.
Now we'll see
what chance it has.
Try it on.
Go ahead.
I'm dying to see
if I remembered your size.
You're not interested
in seeing how it looks?
Oh, I am.
******[Woman Vocalizing]
[Dr. Nekhovich 's Voice]
Every search fora hero...
must begin with something
that every hero requires--
a villain.
Therefore, in the search
for our hero, Bellerophon,
we created a monster, Chimera.
[Luther] Nekhorvich was
a molecularbiologist.
Why is he going on
about an old Greek myth?
Nekhorvich specialized
in recombining DNA molecules.
In the myth,
Bellerophon was aprince
who killed the Chimera.
A monster with the headofa lion...
andthe tail ofa serpent...
whoplagued the ancient world.
I think Nekhorvich created
a monster virus named Chimera...
andthe antivirus to kill it,
named Bellerophon.
That simple, huh?
[ Sighs ]
Why not?
[ Birds Squawking ]
[ Ambrose Snickers ]
$$37 million.
Now, that's a promising bid
for Nekhorvich's work.
Don't look so worried, Hugh.
We're halfway there.
We'll need this at the track...
ifwe're gonna get the other half.
Well, then... sorted.
Not everything.
Why do you think
she's really here?
From her point ofview or mine?
Well, she wasn't
exactly gagging for it...
when she left you six months ago.
The question is,
do you trust her?
One considers her timing, ofcourse.
Getting nicked within a week
oftheplanegoing do wn.
even borderlinesuspicious,
but hardly conclusive.
Well, you've thought about it,
at any rate.
Tell me, Hugh,
you don't exactly hang on Nyah's
every word and gesture, do you?
That's a fa irly ratty nail that.
[ Grunting ]
[ Groaning ]
Sean, please!
Suppose she is some sort ofTrojan
horse sent in by IMF to spy on us.
Why should I deny myself
the pleasure ofa ride or two?
[ Screaming ]
Or don't you think I can learn
more from her than she can from me?
I do! I do! I do! I do!
- [ Wincing ]
- Now, Hugh,
you must realize
that some of us...
have the burden
ofsex to deal with.
And I may or may not know
why she thinks she's here,
but I'm willing to take
the risk, because, Hugh,
- [ Wincing Continues ]
- I am gagging for it.
[ Screaming ]
[ Crowd Cheering ]
[Announcer, lndistinct]
[ Cheering Continues ]
Come on!
- [ Nyah Squealing ]
- Darling! You won!
- I suppose I did.
- What made you pick that nag?
He's never won a bloody thing.
- ''Thief in the Night.'' [ Laughing ]
- Say no more.
I'm, uh--
I'm off to grab a drink.
Do you still favor the Bellinis?
[ Chattering ]
''Naturally Vain.''
Pardon me?
Naturally Vain... in the fourth.
Check her out. She's due.
[ Hunt On Earpiece ] You can speak
as if I'm right by your side.
[ Nyah On Earpiece ]
Where are you?
Mounting enclosure
just off the track, 2:00.
[ Hunt On Earpiece ]
How's it going?
Just like old times.
Just like old times?
Just about.
Tell me who you've run into
at Ambrose's.
Near as I can tell, there's about a half
dozen other blokes about the place.
Maybe more.
Hugh Stamp, old friend ofSean's.
He 's the only one lrecognize.
Anda bit ofa creep andthen some.
We know him. He's overyour left
shoulder, looking at you right now.
Ambrose has photos of newspapers
with money piled on them.
Thirty seven million
on the London Times.
What's that about?
Bids from possible Chimera buyers.
Ambrose is meeting
some bloke in the bar.
Big bloke. Ginger hair.
They're into something.
-[ Hunt On Earpiece ] Who is this guy?
-Checking now, Ethan.
John McCloy,
CEO Biocyte Pharmaceuticals.
ln 1989, acquired Biocyte
in a hostile takeover.
He was Nekhorvich 's boss.
[Luther] Right. He worked forhim
as a research scientist at Biocyte.
Ambrose is showing something
to McCloy on a digital camera.
[Hunt] Whatever McCloy's
looking at, he's not happy about it.
Ambrosejust pulled...
the camera's memory card
and put it into an envelope.
Put it in his inner left
Confii rm left jacket pocket.
Roger that.
Nyah. Nyah, Ambrose
is on his way back to you.
- There's an envelope inside--
- His left jacket pocket.
That's right.
- Where do I meet you?
- Betting table 1 2, off the paddock.
- Are you sure you're up to this?
- I'll muddle through.
- There you are!
- See anything you like?
Well, yeah.
''Naturally Vain.''
But they're about to close
the betting, and I haven't a bean.
- Nyah!
- Would you mind terribly?
Not at all.
But, um, you are gonna pay for it.
- And with interest.
- I have no doubt.
Hold on.
Put down a thousand for me.
- To win?
- What else?
-Billy, make sure Nyah's not followed.
-No worries, mate.
-Billy, make sure Nyah's not followed.
-No worries, mate.
Luther, digital camera
ready to transmit.
Betting table 1 2.
- There you go.
- Fine.
- [ Groans ]
- Oh, sorry about that, mate.
[ Mutters, Grunts ]
- Say again?
- [ Muttering ]
Whateveryou're about,
in future, watch your step.
- Never know who you might run into.
- [ Choking ]
- So where's the loo?
- [ Muttering ]
- Thanks, mate.
- [ Gasping ]
[ Chattering ]
[Announcer, lndistinct]
How'd you do?
Don't turn around.
I managed.
You turned around.
What are you gonna do?
Spank me?
- [ Clears Throat ]
- [Announcer, lndistinct]
I'm booted up.
Go, Ethan.
Are you getting this?
[ Panting ]
''Sergei Gradski.:
20hours after exposure. ''
Stamp 's out ofthe loo.
He's coming out ofthe tunnel,
heading your way, mate.
- I want you out ofAmbrose's place.
- What are you talking about?
What's happened?
What did you see?
Okay, he's coming up
behind you, Ethan.
You've doneyourjob.
l wantyou out ofA ustralia.
- Thirty steps.
- How do you suggest I go about it?
He's touched your heart.
You need to think it over.
Fifteen, fourteen, twelve, eleven.
l wantyou out ofthere now.
Give me the earpiece.
- Nine, Ethan. Eight.
- Ifyou don't get out ofthere,
I'm coming in and getting you out.
[ Billy On Earpiece ]
Ethan, get out ofthere!
You placed your bet, ma'am?
- ******[Fanfare]
Horses are ready to race.
[ Shouting, Cheering ]
[Announcer, lndistinct]
Come on! Come on! Your nag's
making a run for it on the outside!
Come on! Come on!
[Buzzer Buzzes]
[ Laughing ]
You picked another winner!
I thought you
were going to dinner.
Hugh, take care of
the Nekhovich memory card.
Where is it?
In the envelope
in myjacket pocket.
My rightjacket pocket.
We at ourstate-of-the-art
solar-powered Biocyte building,
recognize that eternal vigilance
is the price of health,
whether it 's funding the teaching center
at the RoyalPrince Edward Hospital,
removing aerosolproducts
from the market...
orbra ving the influenza quarantine
at Bruny lslandlate last month.
At Biocyte, your life
is our life's work.
We've got an opportunity here.
I'm not going to miss it.
George, take me home.
What the hell?
George! George!
[ Coughing ]
[ Gasping, Choking ]
[ Men Chattering ]
[ Man Laughing ]
- [ Gasps ]
- Shhh.
Oh, Ethan.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I am now.
[ Sighs ]
[ Wheezing ]
- What is this?
- A visit from an old friend.
[ Panting ] You crashed
on the plane. You're dead.
Dead, certainly.
But dead is a little extreme.
On the other hand, when my colleague
Gradski had your pulse...
and your blood pressure,
he had less than a day to live.
You are infected with Chimera,
my friend.
No use, my friend.
The medicalstaff
wants nopart ofthis.
Doctors don't fa ncy the idea
ofdying any more than anybody else.
How could I possibly be infected?
That's exactly what Gradski said
27 hours before he died.
You've got the antidote,
you miserable bastard!
- You stole Bellerophon! All of it!
- My, my, my.
lneed it! lneed it now,
you whacked-out Russian Gypsy!
And what about Gradski, who you
deliberately infected with Chimera?
How was I to know they needed...
to be treated with Bellerophon
within 20 hours?
- By asking me.
- Youstill don't get it, doyou?
I needed to knowjust how bad
the disease was in the real world,
notjust the lab.
You were genetically splicing
together strains of influenza...
to create a cure forall influenzas.
Butyou were also creating
a disease so terrible in Chimera,
the cure would be priceless.
lneeded Chimera in order
topeddle Bellerophon.
It's not that diffii cult
to understand, is it?
Look, l've got the virus.
You've got the cure.
lneed them both.
Time was a shot of penicillin
would knock off...
every bloody bug in the zoo.
Not anymore.
lfl couldn 't make money killing
the microscopic little shits out there,
well, you'd help me put one out
there that I could make money on.
Well, there it is.
l've confessed.
I,John C. McCloy,
am in business to make money.
No w, forget any dealyou may have
made with that thugAmbrose.
Get me treated,
and let's go back to work.
You know,
I think it's a little late for that.
Dogive my regards to Gradski...
ifyou see him.
I've heard...
[ Normal Voice ]
all I need to hear.
it's imperative that we do nothing
to alarm Ambrose.
You told me to get out ofthere
as soon as possible.
-I thought you were here to collect me!
-Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh!
Listen to me.
There's no time to talk.
It is critical,
absolutely critical,
that you do whatever Ambrose asks.
Do you understand me?
Don't worry.
It will all be over...
very soon.
[ Laughs ]
That's a promise.
Go on.
Go on. Off you go.
[ Sighs ]
Неркович заминава за...
Центъра за контрол
на заболяванията в Атланта.
Носи вирус, който е създал-
и лекарство за него-
Амброуз няма вируса.
Затова му е Маклой.
Ще влезем в Биосайт и ще убием Химера.
Амброуз ще има лек без болест.
и всички ще се приберем у дома.
Прав беше.
Хунт прибра Маклой тази нощ.
Значи знае.
Той ще влезе в "Биосайт".
Добре. Вече знаем къде ще е, нали!
Браво на теб, Хю.
Така те искам.
Вече си у дома, друже.
Къде е Джордж?
Шофьорът ми?
Къде е?
В болнични.
Грип върлува, казват.
-Готов ли си с проекцията?
-Това не е центърът.
-Не, това е складът на "Биосайт".
Изчакай още малко.
- Ето го.
- Започни отвътре.
Тук се произвежда и съхранява
вирусът "Химера",
в лабораторията на 42-ия етаж.
Целта на Хънт ще е щамът "Химера",
в лабораторията на 42-ия етаж.
Ако проследим кариерата на Хънт'
ще видим,
че той предпочита заобиколния път
пред прекия сблъсък.
Няма да влезе в "Биосайт" отдолу
където охраната е най-силна.