- Who are you? Why are you here?
- You called me.
Me? Are you crazy?
When did I call you?
Some nine or ten years ago.
How quickly you forget.
Nine or ten years ago?
I said, "If we are all in the program,
who"ll watch? "
Forgive me, Sufi, l"m a little late in coming.
This is Sufi Parvezs office.
Like it? Lovely, yes?
Srinagar TVs director was chief guest
at my colleges annual function.
Like everyone, he loved my dancing.
On stage, when he handed me
the first prize...
...I started chatting with him.
And he said:
sufi, you have as much zip in your talk
as zap in your dance."
I said, "Thats true."
He said, "Why not work at our TV station? "
I said yes, so here I am.
From that day on,
Srinagar TV is Sufiya Parvez!
Stop staring at yourself and look at this.
Abba and Ammi.
They looked all over for you.
When they couldnt find you,
they told me that...
But I never believed them.
I knew that as long as...
...Shankracharya and
Hazratbal were intact...
...nothing could happen to my Altaaf.
Still standing? Why dont you sit?
Sir, this is Sufiya Parvezs chair.
Tell me, where did you go off to?
I didnt go anywhere. The police took me.
To jail?