This is a picture of a deadly terrorist
named Altaaf Khan.
21 years old, fair-complexioned...
...green eyes, 6 feet tall.
If you see him, please
inform the police immediately.
Thats not good.
Now all of Srinagar will recognize you.
Leave at once...
...for Krishna Rainas old house
in Kunjar village.
Its far, but secure. Go now.
- Hello, Number-man.
- Thanks.
kahvah from Ghafoor.
Is there a phone close by?
Theres one near Rainawari Square.
Its far. Have kahvah first.
No, Abba, l"m fine.
l"m not upset.
Abba, please understand. Dont come now.
Then throw away those tickets!
What does it cost anyway,
Jammu to Srinagar?
Why dont you understand?
Altaaf has gone back.
Please give the phone to Ammi.
You were right. My Altaaf is dead.