This is our Mission Kashmir.
Do you know why Allah
called your mother to Him?
So that, when you kill IG Khan along
with the PM, your hands wont tremble.
Understand, child?
Good boy!
Now rise.
Tell me, how and where you will blow up
the PMs helicopter?
Somebody open the door!
Help! Open the door!
Hurry up!
Douse the flames.
Sir-ji, hes out. Okay, Sir-ji.
Okay. Follow him, Gurdeep.
Avinash, do you see him?
Yes, sir. Hes heading
towards Kukar Bazaar.
l"ve got him, Avinash.
Hes going through Pakki Lane.
Exactly at 2:45,
the PMs helicopter will land here.
As the rotors stop, the chief minister
will step forward to garland him.
- And then, the first blast.
- Idris will fire.
At this blast, IG Khan
will move from the police cordon...
...with his men, to enter the helipad.