Problem..hatch door malfunction,
backup power fail,
manual override fail.
- Solution ?
- Replace optical relay.
Piece of cake.
God, who dreams up these nightmares ?
- Don't try to change the subject.
- I'm not.
- We're talking about
your sister's wedding.
- No, we're talking about...
dancing lessons
before my sister's wedding.
Do you mind ? I'm in the middle of a
catastrophic power failure here. Check.
- Not effective.
- Not effective ?
- Replace optical relay.
- You're distracting me.
We're a married couple.
Would it kill you to invite me...
out on the dance floor
just once in a while ?
- We danced at our wedding.
- No, that's not dancing.
That's you shuffling your feet around
while you grab my butt.
I'm talking about
real dancing, you know ?
Cha-cha-cha, rhumba,
Darling, face it.
Some couples dance, some go to Mars.
- That's life.
- Test.
- Effective.
I'm serious. As soon as we get
back home, we're starting lessons.
Woody, if we never dance, people are
gonna think there's something wrong.
If they see me dance,
they'll know there's something wrong.
This is highly unprofessional.
"This is highly unprofessional, sir."
You keep forgetting that "sir."
Cockpit, this is Control.
- Cockpit, this is Control.
- Control, this is Cockpit.
- Terri, it's Phil. They want
us all to report to Micker ASAP.
- Who says to report to Micker ?
- The little men who live in my head.