
Today, all of them are successful men
in their own respective fields

some are great writers, great
businessmen and some great politicians.

But all of them have one thing
in common. All their lives...

they have followed the principles
taught to them, by this Gurukul.

Today you have the opportunity
to be a part of this great lineage.

You have been selected from all over
the country, and brought here...

because we believe that you have
what it takes to be great men.

But success does not come so easily.
Behind every great success
lies a great sacrifice.

By entering this institution today,...
you have shut yourself
from the outside world.

We expect that you will work
with full concentration,...

and follow the rules and regulations of
t his institution with strict discipline.

lf any one is found
guilty of misconduct,...

he will be expelled immediately.
And remember one thing.

Once you are expelled from here the
doors of all other...

educational institutions would also
be shut for you, forever.

So if there is anyone here who is
not willing to make this sacrifice,...

then he is free to walk out
of that gate right now.

But if you have decided
to stay here,...

then that gate and the world outside
does not exist for you anymore.

Now l want all of you to close
your eyes, bow your heads...
