Who is this?
This? Romeo and Juliet,
Heer Ranjha,...
Samir and ...Samir and ...?
Sanjana! And it's nothing
like what you think.
She's just a good friend of mine...
actually, she was a friend.
She was a friend?
Sanju was my childhood friend.
We were best friends.
We were neighbours and
literally grew up together.
We had this photograph taken at
a funfair. lt was her birthday,...
and the next day, she was
supposed to leave. Forever.
Her father had been transferred and
that was the last time that l saw her.
That was six years ago.
l was just fourteen years old
But do you know where she is now?
l heard a few months ago that she
could be in this very town.
That's great! Which means that
you know where she lives?
No, l don't.
And l don't want to find out.
Why not?
Because it's been a long time and l do
not know if she will recognize me...
orwhether she would
like to meet me or not.
So, we'll meet if we are destined to.
Otherwise we won't.
Hey Samir! You really love this girl.
Oh no, nothing of the sort.
she's just an old friend.
Shut up! Just an old friend!
Tell me something. How many other
old friends' photographs...
have you been carrying with you
forthe last six years?
That's the bell for your love!
Come on, it's time to sleep.
Old friend, my foot!
l wish l had that photograph
in my pocket. By now,...
l'd have been in her house, relishing
the savouries she'd make for me.
And look at you! ''We'll meet if we're
destined to; otherwise, we won't''
Know what, Karan! There's a girls'
hostel behind our college?
So what do l do?
. Oh no. You don't do anything.
You just think.
And l'll do it.
Oh shit! l'm late.
Why do we have to begin so early?
Where is my sleeve...?