What are you doing here?
. Me ... l am a student at Gurukul.
Not bad, Mr. Sharma.
. Cool huh !
Which means you've been here
for so long,...
and did not even botherto call me!
. l didn't have yourtelephone number.
Stop making excuses!
The truth is that you
didn't even think of me,...
so it did not bother you whether
l was in this town or not.
What is my phone number !
Excuse me ma'am.
. This is mine. Thank you.
What is it?
Nothing... just the list
of things l had to buy.
Have you found everything?
. Yes... l've found everything.
So come with me!
l'm going to set you straight!
Who do you think you are...? Just
because you're a student at Gurukul...
you think you can act tough!
We're going home straight away.
Papa will be so happy to see you.
. Sanju, l cannot come now,...
l've got to return to Gurukul.
. Then promise you'll come on Sunday.
A true promise?
. True promise.
Khan Baba, when is the train from
Aligarh scheduled to arrive?
The train should be here any moment.
Whom have you come to recieve?
The professor of my college.
. l see...
the train should be here any moment.
Khan Baba, who's that girl?
That's Kiran.
She comes here quite often.