l can't do this on my own.
Where have you been?
l was at the market to
get all the stuff,...
and you are having
problems with the bulb.
Mr Seera, l had asked you for
some paperwork. ls it ready?
Yes, sir, it's ready.
. Please leave it on my table.,
What's happening here?
Good morning sir!
My name is Raj Aryan.
l have an appointment with you, sir.
. Don't you know...
that there are students here who are
trying to concentrate on theirwork?
Don't you understand that you mustn't
make noise in a place like this?
l'm sorry sir. lt's just that the
l ittle girl saw the violin in my hand..
and insisted on hearing it.
l just couldn't break her heart.
lt is more important
not to break rules here.
Follow me.