What are you doing in the rain?
I'm looking for Ho.
Haveyou seen him?
He wasn't in class.
Did you ty his place?
And Cafê Quynh?
He could be there.
- Thanks. Is Cafê Quynh that way?
- I'll takeyou.
- Ah, Ninh. Hello.
- Liên.
- How are you?
- I'm looking for Ho.
- Want to come in?
- I'm too wet. Haveyou seen Ho?
- Did you ty his place?
- Yes, an hour ago.
With this rain, ifyou don't find him
at his place, you should go home.
Thanks, but I'll wait
outside his place.
You never know.
Did Liên leave?
She's still downstairs.
Listen, Ho, I'm warning you.
I won't helpyou anymore.
I think it stinks.
Liên doesn't deserve it.
What did she do toyou?